Foreign experience in the use of artificial intelligence technologies in ensuring information security of the banking sector

  • Goryan E.V.

    E.V. Gorian. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The object of the study is the issue of providing the information security by means of artificial intelligence technologies. The current situation of development of AI technologies in Russia and cases of their application in foreign countries are considered.
The study used general (system-structural, formal-logical and hermeneutic methods) and special legal methods of scientific knowledge (comparative legal and formal-legal methods). Existing software solutions which use the artificial intelligence for information security providing  in  the banking  sector, are  relatively primitive  and  costly. These  factors  slow down the widespread use of technology. Additional factors that complicate the performance of security functions are malicious data manipulation by attackers, as well as the interconnectedness of systems connected to AI within the banking system. As a result, AI technologies cannot work autonomously, since specialists with human analysis skills are in need to interfere the processes. Issues that require legal regulation are the determination of the type and extent of responsibility in the case of outsourcing of processes and services, as well as issues of risk assessment and management. The ambiguity in solving thlts of the pattern safety estimation for traffic in the Tsugaru Strait and the Tokyo Bay are given.

Keywords:    artificial  intelligence,  technology,  information  security,  critical  information  infrastructure, software, banking sector, financial sector.
